SPOC Person

  • Kosovo Basketball Federation signs an MOU with Sportradar

  • Vendimet e Bordit të FBK-së, SPOC Person

  • Vlora Braha, Personi Kontaktues për Integritet (SPOC) në Federatën e Basketbollit të Kosovës

  • Vlora Braha, Single Point Contact for Integrity in the Kosovo Basketball Federation

  • Pse organizatat sportive kanë nevojë për pozitën e Personit Kontaktues për Integritet (SPOC)

  • Why do sports organizations need Single Points of Contact for Integrity?

  • Cili është roli i personit kontaktues për integritet në një organizatë sportive

  • What is the role of the Single Point of Contact for Integrity in a sports organization?

Supported by:
Official General Sponsor of the Kosovo National Teams:
Official General Sponsor of the Men's Superliga:
Golden Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
Youth Basketball supporters:
Supported by:
Official General Sponsor of the Kosovo National Teams:
Official General Sponsor of the Men's Superliga:
Golden Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
Youth Basketball supporters: